I saw a meme on on FaceBook and it said “Don’t let anyone treat you like free salsa. You are Guac! You are Guac!” and it stuck with me… I mean it really stuck with me. I talked about it to one of my classes, I told it to anyone that I talked to, and now as you read this, I’ve recreated the graphic and I am writing about it!
But why? Why is this resonating with me this much? As I look back over the past few weeks, months, years, I’ve been super busy! I don’t remember the last time I wasn’t busy! The question is what kind of busy have I been? Have I been busy with what I enjoy doing? Have I been busy just working? Enriching my intellect? Time with family? Wasting time with endless busy work? Doing work for others without any benefit to me? The truth is a resounding “YES” to all those questions. But do I know and can I measure what I’m doing and if I’m doing enough of the right thing? The answer to that is, I’m not sure!
How much salsa and how much guac is the question I imagine, and I think this is why the meme resonated with me to the pint that i still have it stuck in my head.
So, how do we value ourselves and the contributions we make? A couple of years ago I donated a sketch to be sold with the money going toward food to be donated to a food bank. I had a hard time valuing my time and talent. I’ve been asked multiple times to speak and have been asked what I charge or what would be an acceptable speakers fee or if the honorarium would be acceptable. Again difficulty with putting value to my time, knowledge, and talent.
So why do we or I should say why do I do what I do and what is my value and how do I value me? Do I allow others to treat me as free salsa or am I guac? I want to scream out loud “I AM GUAC!”, but I don’t always value myself like guac…
I was in a seminar a few days ago and the speaker spoke about self-worth and values… another reason I think I’m stuck on the salsa/guac journey. The speaker spoke about Schwartz’s theory of basic values. I was intrigued! Without going into the theory or the assessment tools and as I did some soul searching of my own I have come to the conclusion that I am not any more clear now than I was before, BUT, I do have some additional insight that may help me in the future as I move forward in life.
Here is some of my insight…
Never let anyone treat you like free salsa. (no offense to salsa)
You should know what you value. This takes time and thought. Put it on paper and keep it visible or handy.
KNOW YOUR WORTH! Know what you bring to the table and know your market value! (This should be more objective)
Align your goals with your values.
Don’t say yes right away… Give it a thought and ask yourself does this align with my values and goals. If your contribution is worth it they’ll wait for your answer. (just don’t take too long to answer)
Spend your energy on what you value.
Although I always encourage people to say “YES” to opportunities, it’s OK to say “NO”! No is not a bad word! Sometimes, I wish people would have said no instead saying yes and not be productive.
And I think lastly make sure people know you “GUAC”… Eventhough your giving it to them for free!