Dr. Daihnia Dunkley, also known as "Dr. D" is originally from Jamaica, and has resided in New York since the early 90s. In the span of her nursing career, Dr. Dunkley has worked extensively in the arena of maternal-child health in hospital and community healthcare, and in academia. She is currently serving in a full time academic role as a lecturer in the Graduate Entry Pre-Specialty in Nursing (GEPN) and Masters of Science in Nursing programs at Yale School of Nursing. She earned a Bachelors degree in nursing from Hampton University, and her Masters and Doctor of Philosophy degrees from the University of Phoenix. Early in her career, Dr. D became aware of the disparities within the healthcare system and their impact on practitioners and patients, especially those of color. As she transitioned from bedside nursing to administrative roles, she began to understand factors contributing to these issues, which include a lack of diverse representation in the healthcare workforce, systemic racism, and patient mistrust and avoidance of the healthcare system. Her dissertation research on the experiences of Black female executive nurse leaders created the inspiration for founding The League of Extraordinary Black Nurses; a nonprofit nursing organization aimed at supporting current and future Black nurses through the guiding principles of leadership, mentorship, and scholarship. Additionally, through her newly formed consulting company, Daihnia’s Joy, she applies strategy to passion in her efforts to diversify nursing representation, empower minority nurse leaders, and improve maternal health outcomes.